
     Our state and county jails across Texas are filled with substance abusers. The victims continue to pour in weekly and they keep coming and keep coming. We as soldiers of Christ must not sit idle and allow Satan to have a complete victory with his drugs. The time has come for a faith-based drug and alcohol rehab facility to be established and to begin leading young men out of the darkness of drugs into the Light of Jesus and allow Jesus to help them overcome their addiction and have a new life in Christ.


     God is faithful to answer our prayers offered in faith.  God has answered our prayers with a great big “YES” for a faith-based drug rehab for men in Winnsboro, Texas. God, working through His children provided the funds to purchase the old local VFW building and land. The building is a 6900 sq. foot facility sitting on two acres of land. God has provided the funds for the renovation of the facility. The Home of Recovery and Restoration has been born!

     The faith-based rehab will not be supported financially by the State of Texas; therefore, the residents can be taught biblical truth without interference from the State.

     The building has a Chapel, 14 bedrooms for residents, a bedroom with sitting area and private bath for the night-dad, heat/air, a large kitchen, a dining room, several restrooms with shower stalls, a large living room, a classroom, office, and area for freezers, a pantry room, utility room, a clothing storage area, a security room and a central work station.

     There is no natural escape from drug addiction. There are only two destinies for the “drug addict” – prison or the cemetery. The State of Texas Justice System authorities have studied the history of the substance abuse prisoners and have determined that 73% of their children will follow them to prison for drug and alcohol addiction. Sweet Brethren, we must change that! And the only way to make a change in the lives of the young men who have been taken captive by the drug addiction is to introduce them to Jesus – the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Jesus will help them overcome their addiction, and He will rescue them from darkness, and bless them with a new life walking on the Highway of Holiness with the destination of Heaven.

     This is an excellent opportunity for Christians to get involved in sharing Jesus with the lost. You have the opportunity to participate and to be a part of restoring lives, restoring families, and giving the children of drug infested homes a “brand new daddy” – a new daddy that has a new master – God the Father and His Son and His Holy Spirit.

     Joy will fill your heart when you see a young man graduate the program. You see him graduate a Christian, a new man, a new husband, a new father; and you will remember when he came to the recovery center having been lost in the darkness of drugs. You will rejoice in the Lord! Jesus Christ and our Father God will have won a victory!

      Please pray for this ministry.  Satan continues to use drugs to destroy families. You are extremely blessed if your family has not experienced having a loved one succumb to the drug addiction. If all of your close or extended family members have escaped the lure of drugs, then your is in the minority in America today. If you are so blessed to be in the minority, please thank our Father God consistently for that blessing and ask Him to continue to protect your family from the Satan and his drugs. If someone in your family has succumbed to drugs you understand the extreme urgency to lead those who are lost in the darkness of drugs to the Light of Jesus, and allow our Lord Jesus Christ to free them from the chain of drugs and eternal death.

     The residents at the Home will be residents for six months or longer. They will have classes daily with devotionals and personal study time. Personal Bibles will be provided and each Bible course will have a workbook for each participant. A library will be provided for Biblical research.

     Worship services will be conducted every Lord’s Day in the Chapel. Those who have been born-again in Christ will participate in the worship services. They will be given opportunities to prepare and present lessons and to lead in devotionals, and they will be encouraged and trained to become “fishers of men.”

    The residents who desire to be trained in some trade will be given that opportunity in the last three months of their residency.  Tradesmen are volunteering to teach their trade. They guys will have a chicken yard with laying hens; and they will have opportunity to be gardeners with a vegetable garden; and will plant fruit trees. The fellows will have the responsibility to keep the facility and grounds cleaned and groomed.

     The Church of Christ in Mt. Vernon, Texas will be providing teachers on a regular basis. We will need other congregations of our Lord’s Church to send teachers and preachers. It will be a new experience for teachers and preachers to step out of a formal public teaching environment into an informal setting of men who are hungry for a new life and hungry for someone in genuine love to teach them Jesus, the Way to a new life.

     The residents can see through us like looking through a clear window pane of glass. They have a sense if we are teaching them out of love. Our countenance and voice will reflect loud and clear whether we are there because we love them or if we are just there for another teaching engagement. They will listen but not hear, with the valve to their hearts turned off, if we attempt to teach without sincere, genuine love for them.

     We will need brethren to volunteer to serve in various capacities. For example, night dads will maintain a presence, see that the front gate is locked overnight and the building is locked and secure at night and that everyone is in their rooms. The fellows need to know that someone is watching over them. The night dad will be able to pray with the men and to participate in their devotionals with them. He will join them in meals etc..

Are you ready to help?

Are your to physically and financially support this work?